for mid-career and emerging artists
SprInG ReTreaTs
tWo rEtreAts. Two PurpOses.
EaRlY WriTeRs
Early Career Writer's Retreat will take place March 14-16, 2025.
There will be a mandatory online orientation on February 26th, 6-8 pm.
We define early career as having less than full-length book (eg. 48 pages + for poetry) or 8 individually published pieces - this could be in any medium, a literary magazine, anthology, popular magazine, online or print. Playwrights should not have any plays fully/professionally produced.
MiD-CarEer WritErs
Mid Career Writer's Retreat will take place June 12-15, 2025.
There will be a mandatory online orientation on May 21st, 6-8 pm.
We define mid-career as having at least 1 book (eg. 48 pages + for poetry) or 8 individually published pieces - this could be in any medium, a literary magazine, anthology, popular magazine, online or print, etc. Playwrights should have had at least one play fully/professionally produced.
info session
The Queer Voices Artist Retreat Info Session was on 12/21/24 at 12pm. We’ve recorded it for your educational aid!
You’ll learn:
1. When and where the retreat starts
2. What’s Included
3. Everything you need to know about *the application*
aRtiSt RetReats w/ QuEeR vOiCes
these retreats are meant to be a space for a multi-genre cohort of writers to have time and space to create with guidance from mentors.
Individuals from greater MN are highly encouraged to apply! If you have any questions during your application process don't hesitate to reach out to our Hosting & Retreats Curatorial Assistant Johanna at
When are the writer’s retreats?
Early Career Writer's Retreat will take place March 14-16, 2025
Mid Career Writer's Retreat will take place June 12-15, 2025
Early Career Writer's Retreat will have a mandatory online orientation on February 26th, 6-8 pm.
Mid Career Writer's Retreat will have a mandatory online orientation on May 21st, 6-8 pm.
When is the application due?
Applications are due January 17, 2025, 11:59 pm.
Anyone in need of an extension to complete their application must communicate by email in advance of the January 17 deadline and complete their application by Jan 19th.
Do I qualify for this retreat?
If you are a queer writer living in MN, 18 years of age or older, you qualify!
Where will the retreats take place?
The Queer Voices Writer’s Retreats will be at ARC Retreat Center, 1680 373rd Avenue Northeast, Stanchfield, MN, 55080
ARC is about an hour from the Twin Cities.
Learn more about ARC at their website here.
What will be included in this retreat?
Room and board, meals, and transportation are all included as part of the retreat.
These retreats are meant to be a space for a multi-genre cohort of writers to have time and space to create and edit with guidance from mentors through workshops, critiques and more.
Fellows will be awarded a small stipend for their time.
What do i need to apply?
We are asking for
A creative resume
A paragraph describing how your queer identity (and other identities such as race/ethnicity) informs your approach to your work.
A work sample of your writing
If you are submitting poetry or prose you may submit 3-5 pages
If you are submitting playwriting or screenplay excerpts you may submit up to 10 pages
An artist statement
500 words or less detailing your experience as a queer artist in MN. Your statement can include goals for the retreat, experiences and desires for queer literary community building, and/or any future goals as an artist.
Will there be a time to ask more questions?
Join our info session and Q and A on December 21st, 12:00 pm on Zoom! Register here !
If you have any questions during your application process don't hesitate to reach out to our Hosting & Retreats Curatorial Assistant; Johanna, at
What accessibility information is there for these retreats?
Dietary needs will be accommodated by the chefs at ARC.
The main building, the Lodge, has bedrooms, bathrooms, meeting areas, and a dining area all on one floor with no steps needed to access. There is one accessible bathroom on this floor but doors are not automatic. This floor would be where our programming would be held. The other floors and buildings are accessed by stairs.
The trails on the property are not paved. ARC has a “Golden Companion” electric buggy that works well for accessing trails in warmer months.
We apologize for the limitations in accessibility of this space and welcome feedback as we plan for future retreats.
QV will provide support for transportation to and from the retreats.
Covid-19 Safety: Fellows will need to take covid-19 tests before the retreat and at the retreat center.
Other access needs will be addressed on an individual basis once fellows have been selected.
How should I format my work samples?
For all materials please use 1-inch margins, 12 point font. Use one font for the whole document, please, and choose something readable like Times New Roman.
Poetry or Prose
If you are submitting poetry or prose you may submit 3-5 pages
Prose should be double spaced; poems should be single spaced.
Put page breaks between your poems and, if you are submitting multiple stories or essays, between each story.
Playwriting or Screenwriting
If you are submitting playwriting or screenplay excerpts you may submit up to 10 pages
All text should be single-spaced, in a readable font, such as 12 point Times New Roman. When separating characters’ lines or longer stage directions, double space.
Here are more resources to use as guidelines or inspiration if you’re feeling stuck on formatting!
This work is funded in part by MHC with money from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund that was created with the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.